Tuesday, August 18, 2015

All About Me!

I’m reading a book about the qualities of an introvert vs. being an extrovert. Me? I’m an introvert. One part of our makeup is stated by Sophia Dembling, “We like spending one-on-one time with good friends…Introverts don’t get lonely if they don’t socialize with a lot of people.”1 This personality trait of mine affects how I interact socially and professionally. Sure, I love to talk to a group (no matter how many people are in the audience). And I can go to as many networking events as needed to share about The Arc and learn who might need what we do. But I mostly enjoy those one-on-one “meet and greets” where I can have in-depth conversations on issues we both care about.

When you support (or are) a person with a disability, labels are a way of life and often a means to the end for healthcare and funding. But, do you look at this person to see if their personality and environment suit each other? For example, is an extrovert who needs the social buzz living with an introvert who craves the quiet? Not wrong, but will require procedures that allow the introvert the ability to hibernate and the extrovert an outlet for their exuberance. Or is an introvert’s need to be alone seen as something to be corrected by a behavior plan, or is it validated in their plan of support (balanced by the encouragement for social activities).

My point is we are many layers and we live and react to life with multiple influences. Don’t let the disability become the only focus. We are talking about a PERSON with a disability and everything that goes along with being a person applies to them too.

Want to get together at this quiet coffee shop I know of to talk?

1 The Introvert’s Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World. Sophia Dembling

Friday, August 7, 2015

Bring on the rain!

The grass in my front lawn is dry and brown. Flowers cease to bloom. Rain is desperately needed and would make everything better. (According to my sister, I’m supposed to water the flowers and tomatoes – who knew! I guess I need to go get a watering can.) 

The state budget impasse is making me feel the same way about my agency. The money will flow to local agencies sometime in the future and all the programs will begin again. But for now, things are drying up. Those who have a “well” to go to can keep things moving along until the powers that be move things forward. But some of us do not have this option or do not have the mechanisms in place to do so. And so our programs languish for lack of funds. And while we impatiently wait out the crisis, it is the people who benefit from our programs who will suffer, not those making the decisions. They’re still getting what they need. Oh yes, I know the arguments – “short term pain for long term gain”, and “it’s his fault for doing it this way”. But those sentiments don’t provide the resources to pay the bills.

It’s so disheartening.